Peak Performance and Rehab

Terms and Conditions for Remote Physiotherapy Services

Please read these Terms and Conditions("Agreement") carefully before using our remote physiotherapy website("Website"). This agreement governs your access and use of ourwebsite and the remote physiotherapy services provided through it. By accessingor using our website, you agree to be bound by this agreement. If you do notagree with any part of this agreement, you may not access or use our website orservices.1.    Services:
1.1 Our website provides remote physiotherapy services, includingconsultations, assessments, exercise programs, and educational content.
1.2 The remote physiotherapy services are intended for informational andeducational purposes only and should not replace personalized professionalmedical advice or treatment. It is always recommended to consult with aqualified healthcare professional for proper diagnosis and treatment.2.    Eligibility:
2.1 To use our remote physiotherapy services, you must be at least 18 years oldor have the consent of a parent or legal guardian. If the client is under theage of 18 communication will be conducted via group chat which will consist ofthe child and one guardian 2.2 You are responsible for providing accurate and up-to-datepersonal and medical information during the registration and consultationprocess.3.    User Responsibilities:
3.1 You agree to use our remote physiotherapy services responsibly and inaccordance with this agreement, as well as applicable laws and regulations.
3.2 You acknowledge that the success of your remote physiotherapy programdepends on your active participation, adherence to instructions, and honestcommunication with the physiotherapist.4.    Privacy and Confidentiality:
4.1 We are committed to protecting your privacy and confidentiality. Pleaserefer to our Privacy Policy for detailed information on how we collect, use,and protect your personal information.5.    Intellectual Property:
5.1 All content provided on our website, including text, graphics, images,videos, and logos, is the intellectual property of our website or its licensorsand is protected by copyright laws.
5.2 You may not reproduce, modify, distribute, or use any of the content fromour website without prior written permission.6.    Limitation of Liability:
6.1 We strive to provide accurate and reliable information and services, but wemake no warranties or representations regarding the completeness, accuracy, orreliability of any content or services provided through our Website.
6.2 To the fullest extent permitted by law, we shall not be liable for anydirect, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damagesarising out of or in connection with the use or inability to use our remotephysiotherapy services.
6.3 You acknowledge and agree that our website and remote physiotherapyservices are not intended to replace personalized professional medical adviceor treatment. We are not responsible for any adverse outcomes, including butnot limited to death or injury, resulting from your use of our services orreliance on the information provided.
6.4 It is your responsibility to consult with a qualified healthcareprofessional for proper diagnosis and treatment. Any actions you take based onthe information provided through our website or remote physiotherapy servicesare taken at your own risk.7.    Modifications:
7.1 We reserve the right to modify or amend this agreement at any time withoutprior notice. Any changes will be effective immediately upon posting on our website.Your continued use of our website and services following the posting of changesconstitutes your acceptance of such changes.8.    Governing Law:
8.1 This agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with thelaws of Hong Kong SAR. Any disputes arising out of or relating to this agreementshall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Hong Kong SAR.9.    Appointment Booking:
9.1 It is the sole responsibility of the client to book their appointmentsthrough our online booking system.
9.2 The client must ensure that all booking information, including the desireddate, time, and session type, is accurate and up-to-date.
9.3 We shall not be liable for any missed or rescheduled appointments due toerrors or omissions made by the client during the online booking process.
9.4 The client acknowledges that appointment availability may vary and issubject to the scheduling availability of our physiotherapists.10.  Billing and Insurance:
10.1 We do not accept bulk billing for our remote physiotherapy services.
10.2 The client is responsible for the payment of fees associated with theremote physiotherapy sessions.
10.3 Depending on your personal insurance coverage, you may be able to claimreimbursement for the remote physiotherapy sessions. It is your responsibilityto verify the terms and conditions of your insurance policy and submit anynecessary claims.
10.4 We will provide you with an invoice or receipt upon request, which you canuse for insurance claims or other reimbursement purposes.11.  Communication and ResponseTimes:
11.1 We strive to provide timely and effective communication with our clients.
11.2 Outside of the initial consultation and the scheduled weekly phone orvideo call, communication with the physiotherapist will primarily occur throughmessaging via the Truecoach app.
11.3 We aim to respond to client messages within 1-2 business days. However,response times may vary depending on the volume of inquiries and the complexityof the questions.
11.4 Urgent or time-sensitive matters should not be addressed through themessaging system, and you should seek immediate medical attention if necessary.12.  Termination:
12.1 We reserve the right to terminate or suspend your access to our websiteand remote physiotherapy services at any time and for any reason without priornotice.
12.2 Upon termination, your right to access and use our website and serviceswill immediately cease, and any remaining appointments or services will becanceled.13.  Severability:
13.1 If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid, illegal, orunenforceable, the remaining provisions shall continue in full force andeffect.14.  Entire Agreement:
14.1 This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and PeakPerformance and Rehab regarding the remote physiotherapy services andsupersedes all prior agreements and understandings, whether written or oral.15.  Cancellation of sessionsetcIf you are late for a Session or if you or we cancel or rearrangea Session:15.1 If you are late:If you are late arriving at a session, the session will begin onyour arrival and continue until the time when it is scheduled to end. If youwish the session to overrun, and we agree/are able, then you may be charged (atour discretion) for the extra time we spend in providing the Services.15.2 If you cancel or do notturn up for a session:If you have booked a session and you cancel with less than 24hours' notice or do not turn up for the session, then you are liable to pay thecost of that session. Please be aware that in many cases, insurance companieswill not cover our fees if you have not turned up or cancelled with less than24 hours' notice. Therefore, if your insurance company will not pay, you will be personally liable for such payment.15.3 If we cancel: On occasion, we may have to cancel a scheduled session. This may occur, for example, if a staff member is sick or unable to work. If we must cancel a scheduled session, we will book you another appointment as soon as reasonably possible. No charge will be made to you for the session canceled by us. 16. Accepted Forms of Payment:16.1 Accepted forms of payment for our remote physiotherapy services are Stripe-supported cards. This includes major credit and debitcards.16.2 In addition to card payments, you may also have the option to pay by bank transfer if you have received an invoice. Please contact us for further instructions if you wish to make a payment via bank transfer.17. Subscriptions and Renewals:17.1 Subscriptions for our remote physiotherapy packages are setup upon the initial payment and will automatically renew monthly unlesscanceled.17.2 If you wish to change your subscription package, please contact us at info@peak-ppr.com to discuss the available options.17.3 If you no longer require our remote physiotherapy services, please cancel your subscription directly with your bank and notify us. Please note that cancellation requests must be made prior to the next billing cycle to avoid being charged for the subsequent month.18. Online Content Orders:18.1 When placing an order for any online content, such as educational materials or programs, please be aware that there is no right to cancel or receive a refund once the content has been accessed, unless there isa problem with the content itself.18.2 If you encounter any issues with the content, please contact us within a reasonable timeframe to discuss the matter and potential solutions.19. Confirmation of Orders and Payment:19.1 Your credit card or debit card will only be charged when you confirm your order for our remote physiotherapy services or any associatedproducts.19.2 Prior to the completion of your order, you will have the opportunity to review and confirm the details, including the total amount to be charged.

By accessing or using our remote physiotherapy services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at info@peak-ppr.com